prior work
quick finder

before screenshot

before screenshot

after screenshot

after screenshot

Cisco needed a re-design for a major intranet tool for their 38,000-person global company. A strategically important newer application for Cisco business, it had not yet been widely accepted among primary user groups because of usability and user experience (UE) design issues.

Tristream worked closely with the Cisco division tasked with facilitating and approving large sales proposals around the world. They needed a tool that would quickly engage various functional groups involved in the proposal approval process (manufacturing, finance, legal, etc.), support sales teams in creating the proposals (often hundreds of detailed pages), and minimize risk to the company.

When Cisco first created the on-line tool, they were experiencing explosive growth and couldn’t dedicate resources for extensive user research, experience design and visual design. In a short time frame, tristream was able to help them create a completely new scalable navigation shell with revised and detailed workflow screens. Now the tool could be dynamically customized for up to eight different major user groups and localized for 5 different sales regions.