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Lead Project Manager
As Lead Project Manager Jon Reneau has experience in many different aspects of the project lifecycle. His roles include experience designer, requirements gathering/interviewer and HTML coder/build manager. His typical project role includes working on the project tasks themselves as well as client/team management. This experience as a "hands on" Project Manager gives him a unique perspective of the inner workings of a project and team dynamics.

  • Training in Photoshop, HTML, and digital media.
  • Professional project management education from: San Francisco State University, MSP (Multimedia Studies Program), San Francisco, CA and UC Davis.
  • Combines a unique blend of technological understanding and team communication.
  • Developed a Tristream system for managing work that is efficient and productive.
  • Worked with Cisco client side teams to manage schedule, content and team direction for multiple simultaneous projects with complex technical elements. Helped steer the direction of 8 person internal and 15 person external team. Managed hourly expenditures and internal resources to deliver project on time and under budget.
  • HOP (Hooked On Phonics) Managed over $80,000 of work in a 6 week timeframe to reposition entire online branding. Worked intimately with client project management team to achieve high-level goals and manage complex deliverables.
  • Experienced in LateralWorks FTTM project management tools and methodology.
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A successful project is based on experienced self directed teams on either side of the fence, with a true commitment to the projects goals and final deliverables."

Jon Reneau